Welcome to help for life elderly care home
Old age is the period of anybody who seeks more attention & extra care. To the way that I concern everybody has four steps or ages in their lives. The first is child hood age which spends the time in very joyfully and no responsibility feelings. When the time passes little by little we step in to our young age which gets more responsibilities to study, to find a job etc. During this period we work like machines & sometimes would not have a time to think about our self. But when it comes to the retirement stage we will have to give a sudden stop for all these past busy life which we will not like to do so. But in this period only we need more attention, care, hyginience, other’s assistance, healthy food & frequent medication etc.
The ‘Help for life elderly care home’ will provide all above services with paying a closer individual attention for the elders occupied there. By professionally I am a marine engineering officer and also the owner of the premises. The basic aim is not to make money, just to provide quality service. The basic concept to form such an organization was my mother who was in bed ridden condition for nearly four years. We tried to keep her at our residence, but within very short period of time, we realized that it is not easy targets to do so, since handling a patient like that you need to have trained nurses.
Then I decided to admit my mother in to an elder care home which provides such service in luxury level because I was in a position to bear up any expenditure for my mother to have comfort life. There I was not thinking how much I had to spend for her. She was kept in lot of elders homes in our country, but when two three months passed we realized that the condition they say at initially do not pertain actually even they were charged a big amount. To find a proper place for my mother was a very difficult task. Still I can remember we refer the web & my wife went to see a place little bit far from Colombo. At the time she arrived there around 1.30 pm, she found there was no any responsible person or nurse. All the elders were inside the house & locked from outside. There was an old lady introduced herself as the gardener. She told my wife all the nurses and the maids had gone out to watch a film. If any emergency situation takes place to any of an elder who were there, you can imagine what will happen. My wife and I tried to contact the hot line which was given but there was no answer. There are so many such type of incidents we had to come across and at finally we decided to open our own place where my mother can stay comfortably and at the same time some other elders also can get the same facilities she is getting, since I am having some houses in Colombo city limits which have been rented out all these days.
With this concept I renovated one of my houses with providing a separate wash room for each bed room then making the huge garden to rest for elders etc. Then my mother was taken to the specified home on last 10th of February 2019 as the first elder, but two days later we realized that her health condition was getting weaker day by day. When she was shown to our family doctor we came to know that her random blood sugar level was 483. Then with doctors advice we obtained a test of Hba1c, there the level was 15 which shows how it was controlled her sugar level for the past three months. Ultimately what we realized that my mother was not treated with any of diabetic medicines for last three months of time even we paid to her previous elders home for her medication. Then my mother was admitted to Jayawardanapura hospital, but unfortunately on last 02n of March 2019 she passed away with throwing away all our dreams.
Since we learned a good lesson by this I was thinking to continue this organization not to allow any other person to face this kind of sad situation.